GEST INCREDIBIL al americanilor! 'Dati-i medalia de aur lui Ponor, n-o meritam!' Faza care lasa in lacrimi MILIOANE de romani
Aly Raisman i-a luat Catalinei Ponor doua medalii si i-a scandalizat pana si pe americani!
Mii de fani au postat mesaje de sustinere pentru Catalina pe retelele de socializare. Multi dintre americani cred ca romanca a fost FURATA! Argintul de la sol si locul 4 la barna au facut-o sa planga la final, cand a cedat nervos. A spus ca e dezamagita de faptul ca antrenorii nu au felicitat-o, insa zeci de milioane de oameni i-au fost alaturi!
Reactiile americanilor chiar au motive sa o faca sa se simta CAMPIOANA absoluta la Londra!
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Catalina Ponor from Romania was phenomenal on the floor routine better than Aly Raisman - why can’t the judges let her be great!
— LilEsBella (@LilEsBella) August 8, 2012#olympics
Aly did great on the floor exercise, but seriously, Catalina Ponor from Romania should have gotten the Gold.
— Curry (@blazerscam4) August 8, 2012
— Kayman Nixon (@KeepinUpWKayman) August 8, 2012
@austinburritos America gets all the sympathy calls... Ponor was raw and probably deserved the win!
Romania's Cătălina Ponor should have also gotten gold on floor
— Claudia Correa Salha (@rengecorrea) August 8, 2012#fb
I think Ponor and Mustafina deserved their medals more than Aly Raisman.
— Elizabeth Quiroz (@_HelloElizabeth) August 8, 2012#SorryNotSorry
Ouch, rough go for the Romanians. Iszbasa was my favorite. And I think Ponor was a little bit robbed. Oh well, I'm not a judge.
— Nandini(@radarlov) August 8, 2012#Olympics
Catalina Ponor's capcity to get it gave her the extra points needed to get the gold medal in my book
— Chuuuch (@yeahyoufeelme) August 8, 2012
Catalina ponor was underscored on her floor exersize !
— Melody Nelson ♡ (@alittlebitwickd) August 8, 2012#olympics fail#gymnastics
Wow. Romania's Catalina Ponor was AMAZING on floor. So graceful & agile! I'm SHOCKED Raisman's score was higher!
— Stephanie M. (@Imlilsteph) August 8, 2012#gymnastics#Olympics
First off, I just felt an earthquake. Secondly, I'm happy we won bronze on balance beam, but my heart goes out to Catalina Ponor of Romania
— Sunja Knapp (@SunjaK) August 8, 2012
— Kristel Gonzalez (@KrisGonza_y_que) August 8, 2012#Ponor shoud've won the gold on the floor exercise. She was much more superior than#Raisman#London2012
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