BREAKING NEWS | Avionul in care se afla Emiliano Sala a fost GASIT! Anuntul facut in urma cu putin timp
La aproape 2 saptamani de la tragicul accident, apar primele raspunsuri.
La doar cateva ore dupa ce a fost demarata operatiunea privata de cautare a avionului lui Emiliano Sala aceasta a avut succes. Sky Sports anunta ca avionul in care se afla Emiliano Sala si pilotul Dave Ibbotson a fost gasit!
Echipa care se ocupa de operatiunea a informat familia lui Sala despre gasirea avionului.
Epava avionului a fost descoperita pe fundul Canalului Manecii, a anuntat David Mearns. Emiliano Sala si David Ibboston nu au fost descoperiti si se presupune ca acestia au decedat.
Seful echipei de cercetare, David Mearns, a oferit o declaratie oficiala: "Epava avionului in care se aflau Emiliano Sala si pilotul David Ibbotson a fost localizata astazi de catre FPV Morven. Asa cum am discutat cu AAIB (Air Accidents Investigation Branch), nava GEO Ocean III a fost mutata in aceasta pozitie pentru a identifica vizual avionul" a anuntat Mearns. Astfel, aria de cautare a fost redusa la 5 kilometri patrati.
BREAKING: The plane that was carrying the missing Premier League footballer Emiliano Sala has been found, his family has been told. #SSN
— Sky Sports News (@SkySportsNews) February 3, 2019
Wreckage of the plane carrying Emiliano Sala and piloted by David Ibbotson was located early this morning by the FPV MORVEN. As agreed with the AAIB they moved the GEO OCEAN III over the position we provided them to visually identify the plane by ROV. #EmilianoSala
— David Mearns (@davidlmearns) February 3, 2019
Shipwreck hunter David Mearns says that his crew have found the plane carrying missing Cardiff City player Emiliano Sala
Read more on this breaking story:
— Sky News (@SkyNews) February 3, 2019
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