Controversa IMENSA pe internet dupa moartea lui Kobe Bryant! Ce au postat Cristiano Ronaldo si Luis Figo
Fanii au reactionat pe Twitter.
Kobe Bryant si alte 8 persoane, printre care si Gianna, fiica de 13 ani a legendei NBA, au decedat intr-un accident aviatic in California. Lumea sportului a fost socata de disparitia prematura a baschetbalistului in varsta de 41 de ani, iar vedete din intreaga lume si-au exprimat regretul in mediul online.
Cristiano Ronaldo si Luis Figo au reactionat si ei prin mesaje pe Twitter, dar fanii au fost extrem de indignati cand au vazut ca textul postat este identic. Acestia considera intamplarea o totala lipsa de respect si o gafa de proportii.
"Este trist sa aud stirile devastatoare referitoare la moartea lui Kobe si a fiicei sale Gianna. Kobe a fost o legenda in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si o inspiratie pentru multi. Transmit condoleantele mele familiei sale, prietenilor si tuturor familiilor celor care si-au pierdut viata in accident. Odihneste-te in pace, legenda!", a fost mesajul identic postat de cei doi.
So sad to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Kobe was a true legend and inspiration to so many. Sending my condolences to his family and friends and the families of all who lost their lives in the crash. RIP Legend????
— Luís Figo (@LuisFigo) January 27, 2020
So sad to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Kobe was a true legend and inspiration to so many. Sending my condolences to his family and friends and the families of all who lost their lives in the crash. RIP Legend????
— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) January 26, 2020
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