Stelistii din Moldova se revolta! VEZI ce scrisoare au trimis la UEFA!

Stelistii din Moldova se revolta! VEZI ce scrisoare au trimis la UEFA! Europa League

Suporterii Stelei din Republica Moldova au trimis o scrisoare la UEFA in care cer forului european sa intervina in situatia interzicerii lor la meciul dintre Sheriff si Steaua din Europa League.

Steaua si-a interzis din nou suporterii in deplasarile din Europa League, chiar si pe localnicii din Republica Moldova, care deja si-au cumparat sute de bilete. Acestia s-au revoltat si au trimis o scrisoare catre UEFA in care cer forului european sa intervina. Stelistii din Moldova considera aceasta situatia ca fiind discriminatorie la adresa lor si vor incetarea acestui abuz.

Scrisoarea originala a suporterilor stelisti din Moldova. Sursa:

"Dear Sirs,

I would like to inform you and also kindly ask your advice regarding some restrictions issued for the EUROPA LEAGUE match between Sheriff Tiraspol and Steaua Bucuresti, match that will be played on December 2, 2009, on the Main Arena of Sport Complex “Sheriff”. Kick-off time 20:00.

On the official site of Sheriff Tiraspol, you can find a really disturbing information that the host club will not allow any supporters of the away team, regardless of their origin, and if they will carry with them any items related to Steaua, such as flags, scarves, banners, t-shirts, they will be kicked out of stadium immediately.

Direct link here:

On that news article, it is also mentioned that UEFA was informed about this situation. We simply cannot believe that UEFA can accept such an act of pure discrimination.

I want to bring to your attention the fact that in the Republic of Moldova there are a lot of fans of STEAUA, who already purchased hundreds of tickets for the next week match, and now they are worried about these restrictions, especially regarding the political situation in Transnistrian Area.

Over the years, especially in the last decade, UEFA had massive campaigns against racism and discrimination in football, and it’s seems that this is a blatant example of discrimination against a lot of individuals that simply want to watch a football game. They are not organized, most of them have never been to a football game abroad, so violence and previous history of bad behavior is out of discussion. I think that it is against your principles to have people discriminated on any grounds.

Please have a close look at this massive abuse against some humble football fans.

Waiting for your answer with best regards,
ION ILASCO, a football and Steaua supporter from Moldova"

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