"Este un psihopat!" Cristiano Ronaldo primeste lovitura dupa lovitura! Un top model il ameninta cu mesaje inregistrate!
Fotbalistul lui Juventus este atacat de o fosta concurenta de la Big Brother.
Cristiano Ronaldo a fost acuzat de viol de Kathryn Mayorga, in varsta de 34 de ani. Ea sustine faptul ca fotbalistul a violat-o intr-un hotel din Las Vegas, in urma cu 9 ani.
Jasmine Lennard, fosta concurenta la Big Brother, a decis sa scoata la iveala detalii mai putin cunoscute despre Cristiano Ronaldo. Ea l-a numit pe portughez "un psihopat" si il ameninta ca ii va dezvalui adevarata fata. Britanica l-a cunoscut pe Ronaldo in urma cu 10 ani si afirma ca in ultimele 18 luni au tinut legatura. "Nimeni nu are vreo idee despre cum este el de fapt. Daca ar fi stiut, ar fi fost ingroziti", a spus ea.
No one has any idea what he is truly like and if they did. If they had half a clue they’d be horrified. I’m not sitting back any longer and watching him lie in the brazen arrogant entirely insensitive way that he is whilst he employs teams of PR’S and lawyers and investigators to https://t.co/bJGjgriImC
— QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (@Jasminelennard) January 8, 2019
Ea a scris pe Twitter: "Dupa ce m-am gandit mai bine, am decis sa o ajut pe Kathryn Mayorga si echipa ei cu acuzatia de viol pentru Cristiano. Nu voi sta in spate sa il privesc cum minte. Voi face tot ce pot sa o ajut. Am mesaje si inregistrari foarte importante pentru Kathryn si echipa ei, care ii vor dezvalui adevarata fata".
Jasmine a continuat atacul virulent la adresa jucatorului de la Juventus: "Am sute de mesaje de la el. Sunt povesti despre cuceririle sale, la fel ca in situatia ei (Kathryn Mayorga). Conversatii profunde in care constientizeaza faptul ca are probleme mentale serioase", a spus ea, conform The Sun.
Modelul a creat o intreaga polemica pe Twitter:
On that note and after much thought i am reaching out to Kathryn Mayorga and her legal team to offer my assistance in her rape allegation against @Cristiano please contact me. I have information that I believe will be beneficial to your case and I would like to help you.
— QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (@Jasminelennard) January 8, 2019
There is nothing in this life that I hate more than bullies. People who abuse their positions of power and bully people who don’t have the capacity to defend themselves.
— QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (@Jasminelennard) January 8, 2019
The way some of these characters act after too. They genuinely believe their untouchable because of their celebrity. The way he has behaved since the allegations surfaced have made me feel physically sick. Donning a super man outfit. Zero sensitivity to the victim and other https://t.co/DGjPZGeht4
— QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (@Jasminelennard) January 8, 2019
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