"Ma simt cel mai norocos om din lume". Medicii i-au extirpat o tumoare si e pregatit sa revina pe gazon intr-un timp record

Ma simt cel mai norocos om din lume . Medicii i-au extirpat o tumoare si e pregatit sa revina pe gazon intr-un timp record Fotbal extern

Miercuri seara, vesti miraculoase au venit din partea jucatorului spaniol, Fran Sol.

Jucatorul lui Williem a fost operat din cauza unei tumori acum o saptamana, iar rezultatele au fost pozitive.

Acesta a aflat tumoara nu s-a raspandit si nu sufera de cancer, el urmand a se intoarce la antrenamente saptamana viitoare.

Acesta a scris pe contul sau de instagram: "Acum sunt sanatos si ma simt cel mai norocos om din lume".

Jucatorul le-a multumit oamenilor care i-au transmis mesaje de incurajare din Spania, in special fanilor, care i-au pregatit bannere la ultimul meci de campionat.

Fran Sol este nascut in Madrid si a trecut pe la juniorii lui Real Madrid, iar in 2016 a mers in Olanda dupa despartirea de Villarreal.



CANNOT BE HAPPIER!!! ???????????????????????????????????????? the results today have been positives. 9 of each 10 times the diagnosis had been bads and therefore I would have had cancer...but 1 of each 10 is not even a tumor so I AM HEALTHY AND THE LUCKIEST BOY EVER.....I thanks a lot for the support and all the messages. I’ve been the longest week ever reading everything good but also a lot of things bad...it’s really hard to read that Fran Sol has Cancer when you still don’t know anything.... -anyways I’m very pleased to be here in Netherlands???????????????? and belong to the most beautiful club in the country @willemii. Thanks to my trainer my teammates and all the technical staff of Willem II. And I don’t forget the supporters because I have an special gift for them...I WILL BE BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thanks Tilburg , Netherlands and WILLEM II

A post shared by Fran Sol Ortiz (@frank_sol9) on

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