Momente SOCANTE pentru Ronaldinho! A fost dus IN CATUSE in fata instantei! Detalii de ultima ora
Telenovela Ronaldinho produce un nou episod trist!
Fostul star al Barcelonei si-a petrecut ultima noapte in arest, dupa ce fusese eliberat cu o zi in urma.
Brazilianul nu mai e acuzat acum doar de folosirea de documente false, ci si de spalare de bani. Presa din Paraguay a publicat imagini cu Ronaldinho incatusat, in timp ce era dus in fata instantei pentru a fi audiat!
Ronaldinho si fratele sau ar fi venit in Paraguay la invitatia lui Nelson Belotti, proprietarul cazinoului Il Palazzo. Pentru a intra in tara, Dinho ar fi folosit acte false, sustin autoritatile din Paraguay.
Ronaldinho and his brother in handcuffs as they arrive to the Supreme Court of Justice as they await their punishment- needless to say the Paraguayan media, as proper say they can be, say “good morning” to the World Cup winner. (@edgar_cantero)
— Roberto Rojas (@RobertoRojas97) March 7, 2020
RONALDINHO in handcuffs. Wow. ????????
Wed: Entered Paraguay with fake passport
Thurs: Arrested & made to face an 8 hour grilling; promised he wouldn't face trail. Released.
Fri: Rearrested on suspicion of money laundering. Spends night in prison.Real sad!
— E (@iamOkon) March 7, 2020
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