Mai intai s-au bucurat, apoi au incremenit! Momentul in care Fiorentina a marcat golul victoriei cu Benevento! Cum au reactionat fanii

Fiorentina a castigat primul meci disputat dupa moartea tragica a lui Davide Astori. Toscanii au invins-o pe Benevento, scor 1-0.
Fiorentina s-a impus pe teren propriu in fata codasei Benevento cu 1-0. Portughezul Vitor Hugo a marcat unicul gol al partidei in minutul 25, cu o lovitura de cap.
Fanii Fiorentinei s-au bucurat cumva retinut, iar momentul in care Vitor Hugo a ridicat un tricou cu fotografia lui Astori i-a facut sa incremeneasca. Stadionul a inceput apoi sa aplaude.
Hugo a fost chiar cel care i-a luat locul lui Astori in prima garnitura a Fiorentinei.
Vitor Hugo, who replaces Davide Astori in defence, is the one who breaks the score for Fiorentina.
Then holds his shirt, and gives him a salute like a soldier to his captain.
Life really is a miracle
— Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) March 11, 2018
Vitor Hugo, playing in place of Davide Astori, scores & celebrates by saluting a shirt with the captain on it. Football, you’re amazing at times #DA13 ????⚜️
— Adam Digby (@Adz77) March 11, 2018
Vitor Hugo (centre back) is a fitting scorer of Fiorentina’s first goal - he held aloft Astori’s picture on a white t-shirt. Then saluted his Captain.
— Ross Dyer (@RossDyerTV) March 11, 2018
Vitor Hugo celebrates his goal by holding up a shirt with Davide Astori on it. ????
— Raffaele (@ItalianoCalcio) March 11, 2018
Fiorentina are ahead. Vitor Hugo with the goal. He dedicates the goal to Astori by saluting a shirt with Astori's image on it. Fiorentina 1-0 Benevento. #FiorentinaBenevento
— CALCIO SQUARE (@calcio_square) March 11, 2018
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