Sportivul care a aflat de pe Facebook ca si-a pierdut sotia si copilul de 1 an dupa o crima groaznica! "Eram in aeroport, am inceput sa urlu!" Dezvaluiri tulburatoare

Sportivul care a aflat de pe Facebook ca si-a pierdut sotia si copilul de 1 an dupa o crima groaznica! Eram in aeroport, am inceput sa urlu! Dezvaluiri tulburatoare Sporturi

Blake Bivens, un jucator de baseball de 24 de ani, a trecut in vara lui 2019 printr-o cumplita tragedie, sotia, copilul de 1 an si soacra fiind asasinati cu cruzime de cumnatul sportivului.

Dupa o perioada lunga de timp in care si-a ascuns suferinta, americanul a avut puterea sa vorbeasca despre modul in care s-a derulat cea mai trista zi din viata sa.


Two days ago my heart was turned to ash. My life as I knew it is destroyed. The pain my family and I feel is unbearable and cannot be put into words. I shake and tremble at the thought of our future without them. Emily, my sweetheart, you are the best wife and mother this world has ever seen. You made me into the man I am today and you loved me with all of my flaws. You brought our precious baby boy into this world and made our family complete. Your love and kindness changed countless lives, including mine. My sweet little boy, dada loves you so much! I can’t breathe without you here. I finally understood what love was when you were born and I would have done anything for you. You have changed my life forever, you are my reason why. I long to hold the both of you again in heaven. I’m so glad you are with all your Great-grandmothers now, I know they are eating you up. This earth did not deserve either of you; you were just too wonderful to comprehend. Joan you were the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for. You loved your family more than anyone I’ve ever seen. You raised the most wonderful girl in the world. I’m so glad y’all are still together. You were the best Nana this world has ever seen and I will never forget you. Skip you are a wonderful father and grandfather. We will get through this together as a family. We will not let the devil win! Thank you God for giving me the most wonderful family in the world! I’ve been blessed beyond belief. Thank you to all my family and friends who have reached out to me during this time of sorrow. Thank you @raysbaseball @biscuitbaseball for your support through everything. I am comforted by all the messages and well wishes. I’m not sure what is next for me, but I do know God has a plan even though I can’t see it.

O postare distribuită de Blake Bivens (@blakebbins) pe

Aflat intr-o deplasare cu colegii sai de echipa, in Tennessee, Blake Bivens a fost surprins in dimineata respectivei zile de faptul ca nu putea sa ia legatura cu cei de-acasa, in special cu sotia Emily (25 de ani), cea care ramasese sa aiba grija de micutul Cullen (1 an), impreuna cu mama sa, Joan Bernard (62 de ani).

Putin mai tarziu, avand la indemana telefonul mobil, Blake a citit pe Facebook o stire care i-a inmuiat picioarele: ”Doua femei si un copil ucisi”. 


Happy 4th Anniversary @emily.bivens ! As I was looking through our wedding pictures it’s hard not to reminisce on our short time together. What really stands out to me is how much of a better person I have become because of you. Very few people have lived a life full of so much love and compassion for other people. You would have given everything we had away if it meant changing someone else’s life. And in away you have; so many people have felt Christ’s love through your life. Though your not physically here God’s purpose for your life shines bright and clear. I love you so much! Give our little Angel a kiss for me and tell him how much his daddy loves him. Can’t wait to see y’all again!

O postare distribuită de Blake Bivens (@blakebbins) pe

”Eram in aeroport si am inceput sa tip. Cand am vazut titlul, mi-am dat seama ca e vorba despre ei”, a dezvaluit acum jucatorul de baseball. Socul acestuia a fost si mai mare atunci cand a aflat identitatea asasinului, nimeni altul decat cumnatul in varsta de 19 ani, Matthew Bernard, care isi asteapta in aceasta perioada sentinta.

”De departe cel mai urat moment din viata mea a fost atunci cand am intrat in dormitorul fiului meu si mi-am dat seama ca nu-l voi mai revedea niciodata”, e declaratia emotionanta cu care Blake Bivens, jucator la Tampa Bay Rays, si-a incheiat confesiunea.

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