Ce drama traieste Chiriches! Englezii i-au compus cantecul rusinii: "Sa nu te mai vedem niciodata!" Ce se va canta in peluze:

►Sambata 19:00 Wigan – Arsenal in FA CUP, 21:00 LK "Uzina de Bataie" ►Duminica 17:30 Ajax - Ado Den Hag, 20:00 Finalele skandenberg: Ii paste bataia! 22:00 Stoica, primul meci in GLORY
Vlad Chiriches trece prin momente grele in Anglia. Dupa gafa facuta etapa trecuta, cu Sunderland, romanul a avut o evolutie modesta si astazi, cu WBA.
Dupa doar 4 minute de joc, West Brom conducea cu 2-0, iar la pauza scorul a ramas in favoarea gazdelor, 3-1. Chiriches a fost schimbat dupa 45 de minute in care a jucat foarte slab.
Pe Twitter, fanii lui Tottenham au fost nemilosi cu fostul stelist. Suporterii vor ca Vlad Chiriches sa plece de la echipa.
Londonezii i-au facut chiar si un cantec lui Chiriches, care se va auzi pe White Hart Lane ori de cate ori romanul va avea evolutii modeste.
Chiriches ches ches The one we hope never to see Chiriches ches ches Marks a man worse than you or me
— Utah Spurs (@UtahSpurs) April 12, 2014
"Chiriches ches ches / Speram sa nu-l mai vedem niciodata / Chiriches ches ches / E mai slab la marcaj decat oricine"
Iata si alte reactii ale suporterilor lui Tottenham:
Ade and our back four have been dreadful. Chiriches looks nervous and Rose can’t mark his man. Nightmare display so far.
— THFC Banter (@THFCbanter) April 12, 2014
Chiriches reminds me of the type of fat kid at school who when he was getting skinned in PE he would just hack at you instead.
— Steve. (@StevenLDN) April 12, 2014
@TomPEdwards Chiriches simply cannot defend. Sherwood has to haul him off at half time!
— James Rudge (@JamesRudge3) April 12, 2014
Where did we find chiriches and why does Danny rose still play for us. two most over rated players. Sunderland is the best DR will get.
— Sweet lou (@SweetLouNo10) April 12, 2014
I think Chiriches is the worst player in the #EPL. @SpursOfficial
— Ben Verrill (@verri11B) April 12, 2014
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