Gardos e chemat in primul 11 dupa DEZASTRUL cu City! Ce mesaj ii transmit SUTE de fani lui Koeman
Florin Gardos lupta sa se impuna in primul 11 al lui Southampton. Ii e greu sa-i scoata din primul 11 pe Fonte si Alderweireld, iar japonezul Yoshida pare sa fie si el in fata romanului pe lista de rezerve a lui Koeman.
Fostul stelist n-a primit niciun minut in teren la derby-ul cu City. Southampton a pierdut cu 3-0.
In minutul 46, Koeman a fost fortat sa-l inlocuiasca pe francezul Schneiderlin, dar nu s-a uitat in directia lui Gardos. Yoshida a intrat, iar belgianul Alderweireld a fost inpins la inchidere. Asta desi Gardos putea fi folosit inchizator sau fundas central, fiind o solutie mai apreciata de fani decat asiaticul Yoshida.
Zeci de mesaje postate de suporteri pe Twitter dezbat optiunea lui Koeman, pe care n-o considera cea mai inspirata.
Yoshida? Why? What happened to Gardos?!???
— SaintsPredictions (@SFC_Predictions) November 30, 2014
Would rather have Gardos on the pitch #saintsfc
— Andrew Sanders (@1984Saint) November 30, 2014
The fact we brought on Maya for Morgan shows how little we have in depth or little trust in younger options or Gardos #saintsfc
— Dave Sherwood (@Robinov11) November 30, 2014
Should've brought Gardos on instead of Yoshida
— Will Ruddle (@SaintWill14) November 30, 2014
don't understand the logic in bringing Yoshida on instead of Gardos when Schniderlin came off. #saintsfc
— Lauren (@laurenrose_x) November 30, 2014
Koeman obviously sees something I don't with Yoshida. Gardos.... #saintsfc
— Joshua Gough (@JoshuaGough3) November 30, 2014
Find it odd Gardos didn't come on in midfield instead of pushing Toby there. Don't think it mattered though City clearly better than us.
— Richard Bradshaw (@faceofcheam) November 30, 2014
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