Ianis Hagi, criticat din nou de suporteri dupa 0-0 cu Livingston! Ce a facut in cele 58 de minute petrecute pe teren

Dupa 3 victorii consecutive in startul sezonului, Rangers s-a impiedicat azi de Livingston.
S-a terminat 0-0, dupa un meci pe care baietii lui Gerrard ar trebui sa-l uite cat mai repede. Ianis Hagi a fost titular la 'protestanti', dar a iesit din teren in minutul 58. Folosit din nou in banda dreapta, Ianis nu s-a remarcat. Fanii ii cer lui Gerrard sa-l mute in centru pentru a obtine ce e mai bun de la mijlocasul roman.
Hagi Jr. a incercat sa aduca pericol la poarta adversa, dar s-a lovit ca de zid de aparatorii adversi. Ianis a parut sa nu mai aiba nici cele mai bune relatii de joc cu colegii. Hagi a fost cel mai bun om al lui Rangers in startul pregatirilor, cand scotienii le-au batut in Franta pe Lyon si Nice. Nu a mai reusit insa sa-si ridice jocul la acelasi nivel in partidele oficiale.
Ce au scris fanii lui Rangers pe twitter despre Ianis dupa 0-0 cu Livingston:
Put hagi through the fucking middle he’s clearly not a winger been rotten for weeks now in that position
— Mitch Conroy (@mitchconroy_) August 16, 2020
Hagi will right be criticised for his performance today. Jack has been just as bad if not worse and we won’t hear a peep.
— Andy (@GrouvilleBear) August 16, 2020
Watching Livingston vs Rangers, Ianis Hagi is a proper footballer, had a pass and shot that both got blocked but the fact that he had the audacity to attempt them tells you everything about his talent
— Walid Ziani (@bylka613_) August 16, 2020
Cos they cover for the full backs, today both hagi and Kent have been poor they shud step up when aribo isn’t playing especially
— ???????? Aldo RFC ???????? (@55incoming) August 16, 2020
Hagi tries, barker doesn't.
— lewis robertson (@lewisro45577212) August 16, 2020
That hagi is bang average now they are realising why genk were desperate to offload him. Someone on here said he is the Romanian paul dalglish and that sums him up perfectly.
— scott McIntyre (@scottMc85081322) August 16, 2020
Horrendous performance so far from Rangers. That Morelos header before he went off is only real chance created. The games Hagi was brought in for but he’s started season slowly.
— LM (@Liam096_) August 16, 2020
Taking Hagi off instead of Kamara or Jack doesn’t feel quite right when we need some creativity in our play. He didn’t influence the game from wide but I’d have put him central and sacrificed one of them first.
— huarty (@huarty) August 16, 2020
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