"Pentru Hagi inca n-a inceput sezonul asta!" "A fost teribil!" Hagi, reactii DURE dupa ultimul meci in Scotia! Fanii l-au criticat

Ianis Hagi e vedeta campaniei de achizitii a lui Rangers in aceasta vara!
Dupa doua luni in care a impresionat pe Ibrox, Ianis a primit la finalul perioadei de pandemie vestea ca Rangers l-a achizitionat definitiv de la Genk, de unde fusese initial imprumutat.
Ianis a fost starul lui Rangers la Veolia Cup, turneu amical disputat in Franta si in care echipa lui Rangers s-a impus dupa victorii convingatoare cu Lyon si Nice.
In campionat, Ianis nu are insa cel mai bun debut. Fanii l-au taxat pentru jocurile modeste pe care le-a facut cu Aberdeen, St. Mirren si St. Johnstone. Chiar daca lui Rangers ii merge perfect in campionat, Ianis a fost departe de asteptarile suporterilor. Zeci de comentarii il critica pe Hagi Jr. pentru evolutia din aceasta seara!
Another comfortable win. Only gripe is Hagi. He really hasn't started this season at all, plenty of time for him to find some form though as we know he has the ability.
— Zurab ???????????? (@Zurab__) August 12, 2020
Canny believe Hagi’s still on the park!?
— Sammy Mandarin-Ross (@SamRoss1872) August 12, 2020
Think Hagi has discreetly just fucked off and Rangers have replaced him with Gaz from Geordie Shore
— Rab. (@RabVanLadMan) August 12, 2020
Hagi is going to be a player we love one week, then hate the next week ... better get used to it ... He will sell shirts for us and castore in the shop ????????????????
— JonnyBelfast70 (@JonnyBelfast1) August 12, 2020
Yes but so was Aribo, he scored a header so Hagi is getting it ????
Hagi creates... theres been passengers all night. Hes been shite but hes not hiding.
— robbie (@robbiejh96) August 12, 2020
Hagi has been very poor tbh
— Jordan???????????????????????????? (@JordanC1872) August 12, 2020
Hagi needs off
— 3Cheers For The Red White &Blue (@3cheersB) August 12, 2020
This is incredibly poor, Roofe looks bad and Hagi is abysmal for the third game in a row
— AndyD92 (@AndrewD99237970) August 12, 2020
Hagi tonight......????????????!
— justme (@justme79360045) August 12, 2020
Whole team cruising Hagi apart. Boys not having the best night to say the least.
— Robert Johnstone (@boabjohnstone) August 12, 2020
Love the wee man but fuck me Hagi has been honkin the night????????
— EastBear™️???????? (@BF_one_RFC) August 12, 2020
Hagi is having a shocker the night
— Mac ⚽️ (@macmartin96) August 12, 2020
I love wee Hagi but he's a yard behind everyone and his first touch seems to have went missing. Hope it's just a confidence thing that he can sort out.
— ????????Darren???????? (@darenk23) August 12, 2020
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