Tom Cruise merge IN SPATIU pentru un film UNIC in istorie! Anuntul facut de NASA
Tom Cruise va juca intr-un film unic.
Seful NASA a confirmat marti ca agentia spatiala lucreaza cu actorul Tom Cruise pentru un film pe Statia Internationala Spatiala. Un purtator de cuvant al NASA a confirmat de asemenea, CNN Bussiness ca Tom Cruise va merge in spatiu si ramane la bordul statiei, un laborator de mai multe miliarde de dolari care orbiteaza la aproximativ 250 de mile asupra Pamantului.
Tom Cruise wants fly into outer space in the name of filmmaking, and NASA says it's happening. The head of the space agency has confirmed that NASA is working with actor Tom Cruise to make a movie on the International Space Station.
— CNN (@CNN) May 5, 2020
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