Transformare incredibila. Doi soti au slabit impreuna 90 de kilograme in 9 luni. Diferenta e de la cer la pamant

Transformare incredibila. Doi soti au slabit impreuna 90 de kilograme in 9 luni. Diferenta e de la cer la pamant Virale
Stephanie si Brandon Engblom au reusit performanta de a da jos, cumulat, aproape 100 de kilograme, in mai putin de un an.

Cei care se confrunta cu greutatea excesiva au de-acum inainte un nou model de urmat, doi americani din statul Minnesota despre care se vorbeste in intreaga tara si nu numai.

Prin intermediul site-ului, cei doi si-au relatat impresionanta realizare din acest an, aceea de a slabi in acelasi timp. Practic, in aproximativ 9 luni, Stephanie a pierdut 52 de kilograme, iar Brandon 36, fotografiile facute inainte si dupa scotand in evidenta diferenta de la cer la pamant.


Big thank you to the @todayshow for sharing our story. ♥️ — "We looked in the mirror, looked at each other and said, 'You know what, this is one of our lowest lows,'" Stephanie told TODAY. "We were both over 300 pounds, Brandon had just gotten diagnosed with sleep apnea and I was just feeling awful. My whole body ached every day." "We needed to make a change if we wanted to live a long, happy, healthy life together and maybe someday start a family," said the 25-year-old. In less than a year, Stephanie has lost 116 pounds. Brandon has lost more than 80. The couple says there's been no fad diet or extreme exercise plan involved with their success. Instead, it's been about revamping their entire lifestyle into something they can keep up with forever.” (Find a link to the full article in my bio)

A post shared by Stephanie Engblom (@slimmingstephh) on

Totul a pornit intr-o dimineata din ianuarie 2020. "Ne-am privit in oglinda, ne-am uitat unul la altul si ne-am dat seama cat de rau am ajuns. Cantaream fiecare peste 135 de kilograme, Brandon tocmai fusese diagnosticat cu apnee in somn si eu ma simteam ingrozitor, ma durea corpul in fiecare zi", a declarat Stephanie. "Trebuia sa facem o schimbare daca voiam sa avem o viata lunga si fericita impreuna", a mai spus tanara de 25 de ani.


In ceea ce priveste reteta, Stephanie si Brandon au precizat ca n-a fost vorba despre o dieta anume sau despre un plan draconic de exercitii fizice, ci doar despre schimbarea intregului lor stil de viata.

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